Photo for March 28th, 2013

Young Tricolored Heron

Young Tricolored Heron

Young Tricolored Heron

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Two Anhinga chicks (there were three)

Anhinga announces his arrival

Anhinga arrivals and departures

Anhinga chicks eager to be fed

Anhinga chick feeding

Room for one more?

Anhinga chick feeding

Anhinga chick feeding

Anhinga chick feeding

Anhinga chick feeding

I think the first chick emptied the tank

The other Anhinga chick isn’t going to get anything

Common Gallinule

Sandhill Crane Happy Dance begins

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dancing

Not being familiar with the choreography. I was not ready for the jump

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dancing

Sandhill Crane dance ends
Tags: Anhinga, Common Gallinule, Great Blue Heron, Sand Hill Crane, Tricoloroed Heron
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hysterical comment on the dancing bird…..made me laugh