Photo for December 26th, 2013


Wood Storks

Wood Storks

Wild Turkey

Cat stalks turkeys.

Cat thinks turkeys look tasty.

Cat considers its next move.

Turkeys begin to organize.


Turkeys stalking cat.

Turkeys begin to herd cat.

Cat looks back at meal that might have been.

Cat realizes this embarrassing incident is being witnessed.

Cat remembers there is somewhere else he needs to be.

Turkeys escort cat home.

Having informed cat of its position on Sand Crane Trail, turkeys resume normal activities.

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey

Cormorant trying to swallow big fish. Photographer is not the only one watching this.

Cormorant dives into water as Red-Shouldered Hawk swoops in to steal fish.

Red-Shouldered Hawk looks at meal that might have been.

Hawk departs.
Tags: Double-crested Cormorant, Limpkin, Red-shouldered Hawk, Wild Turkey, Wood Stork
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