Posts Tagged ‘Cattle Egret’

Photo for April 7th, 2013

Roseate Spoonbill

Roseate Spoonbill

Roseate Spoonbill

Roseate Spoonbill

White Ibis

White Ibis

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

These may be the anhinga chicks from earlier this spring

These may be the anhinga chicks from earlier this spring





Common Gallinule (also called a Moorhen)

Common Gallinule (also called a Moorhen)

Cattle Egrets enjoying the sunset

Cattle Egrets enjoying the sunset

Osprey emerging from water after a dive

Osprey emerging from water after a dive











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Photo for April 5th, 2013

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret



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Photo for March 29th, 2013

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Great Egret and Boat-tailed Grackle settle in near the Anhinga chicks

Great Egret and Boat-tailed Grackle settle in near the Anhinga chicks

Anhinga chick

Anhinga chick

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Starting to be a busy day at the big pond

Starting to be a busy day at the big pond

Incoming Cattle Egrets

Incoming Cattle Egrets

Cattle Egrets

Cattle Egrets

Getting crowded

Getting crowded

Cattle Egret, Anhinga, Great Egret

Cattle Egret, Anhinga, Great Egret

Cattle Egret and White Ibis

Cattle Egret and White Ibis

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egrets, Great Egret, White Ibis, Boat-tailed Grackle

Cattle Egrets, Great Egret, White Ibis, Boat-tailed Grackle

Looks like a full house

Looks like a full house

White Ibis

White Ibis

White Ibis

White Ibis

White Ibis

White Ibis

White Ibis seating conflict

White Ibis seating conflict

White Ibis

White Ibis

White Ibis and Cattle Egret

White Ibis and Cattle Egret

More White Ibis show up.  It's a party now.

More White Ibis show up. It’s a party now.

Big party at the big pond

Big party at the big pond

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Photo for March 27th, 2013



Grackles(?) marching to spilled bird seed

Grackles(?) marching to spilled bird seed

Curious Grackle

Curious Grackle

White Ibis

White Ibis



Anhinga chicks

Anhinga chicks

Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

Red-shouldered Hawk chasing an Osprey

Red-shouldered Hawk chasing an Osprey

Red-shouldered Hawk chasing an Osprey

Red-shouldered Hawk chasing an Osprey

Green Heron chasing a Green Heron

Green Heron chasing a Green Heron

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk attacking an Osprey

Red-shouldered Hawk attacking an Osprey

Red-shouldered Hawk attacking an Osprey

Red-shouldered Hawk attacking an Osprey

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Photo for March 17th, 2013

Anhinga chicks

Anhinga chicks

Anhinga chicks

Anhinga chicks

Anhinga chicks

Anhinga chicks

Cattle egret

Cattle Egret

Green heron

Green Heron

Green heron

Green Heron

Green heron

Green Heron

Green heron

Green Heron

Cattle egret

Cattle Egret

Sandhill cranes

Sandhill Cranes

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Photo for March 7th, 2013

A Glossy Ibis, a Tricolored Heron, and a Snowy Egret stop by a local watering hole for a snack.

A Glossy Ibis, a Tricolored Heron, and a Snowy Egret stop by a local watering hole for a snack.

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Nice shot of a heron hunting. A bit less flattering for the egret.

Nice shot of a heron hunting. A bit less flattering for the egret.

Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis

Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Glossy Ibis, Snowy Egret, Tricolored Heron playing nicely.  For now.

Glossy Ibis, Snowy Egret, Tricolored Heron playing nicely. For now.

Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron

A picture of tranquility.

A picture of tranquility.

Snowy Egret and Glossy Ibis

Snowy Egret and Glossy Ibis

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Tricolored Heron eating a fish

Tricolored Heron eating a fish

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Suddenly the Tricolored Heron is very upset with the Snowy Egret.

Suddenly the Tricolored Heron is very upset with the Snowy Egret.

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Angry Birds

Angry Birds

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Egret and Heron in a flurry of feathers.  Glossy Ibis unconcerned.

Egret and Heron in a flurry of feathers. Glossy Ibis unconcerned.

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret chased by Tricolored Heron

Snowy Egret chased by Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron chasing Snowy Egret

Tricolored Heron chasing Snowy Egret


Snowy Egret and


… Tricolored Heron retire to neutral corners.

Tricolored Heron flies off, soon to be followed by Snowy Egret and Glossy Ibis.

Tricolored Heron flies off, soon to be followed by Snowy Egret and Glossy Ibis.







Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egrets

Cattle Egrets

Cattle Egrets

Cattle Egrets

Cattle Egrets

Cattle Egrets



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Photo for February 26th, 2013

Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal

Anhinga with fish

Anhinga with fish

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk landing on my golf cart

Red-shouldered Hawk landing on my golf cart

Best Hood Ornament Ever

Best Hood Ornament Ever

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk on my golf cart

Red-shouldered Hawk on my golf cart

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk



Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

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