Posts Tagged ‘Deer’

Photo for February 15th, 2013

I wasn't sure I'd find any birds today, so I thought a landscape might make a nice change.

I wasn’t sure I’d find anything interesting today, so I thought a landscape might make a nice change.



Big Chief turkey is putting on quite a show.

Big Chief turkey is putting on quite a show.

The turkeys are worked up about something.

The turkeys are worked up about something.

The turkeys have become very alert.

The turkeys have become very alert.

And they're off and running!

And they’re off and running!

But they stop and check out something back to the right.

But they stop and check out something back to the right.

And then they're concerned about something to the left.

And then they’re concerned about something to the left.

Now they're looking my way.  Am I blocking their escape?

Now they’re looking my way. Am I blocking their escape?

Big Chief and 1st Lt. stand watch.

Big Chief and 1st Lt. stand watch.

Big Chief very interested in something to the right.  I better check it out.

Big Chief very interested in something to the right. I better check it out.











Bobcat stalks turkeys.

Bobcat stalks turkeys.

Bobcat stalks turkeys.

Bobcat stalks turkeys.

Bobcat turns away from turkeys.

Bobcat turns away from turkeys.







Bobcat heads into the woods

Bobcat heads into the woods

Bobcat comes back out of the woods

Bobcat comes back out of the woods

Bobcat takes another look at turkeys

Bobcat takes another look at turkeys

"Yikes!" This turkey looks very unhappy

“Yikes!” This turkey looks very unhappy





Bobcat checks out turkeys

Bobcat checks out turkeys

Even with a bobcat right in front of them, something off to the left holds turkey's interest.

Even with a bobcat right in front of them, something off to the left holds turkey’s interest.

Bobcat heads back to the woods again

Bobcat heads back to the woods again

Turkeys follow bobcat

Turkeys follow bobcat

Bobcat turns around again to check out turkeys

Bobcat turns around again to check out turkeys

Turkeys scurry back from returning bobcat

Turkeys scurry back from returning bobcat

Turkeys move back towards bobcat

Turkeys move back towards bobcat

Bobcat studies turkey

Bobcat studies turkey

Bobcat gives up and heads to the woods

Bobcat gives up and heads to the woods

Turkeys follow as bobcat heads into the woods

Turkeys follow as bobcat heads into the woods

Turkeys scan the area

Turkeys scan the area

Big Chief's tail feathers must mean all is well again

Big Chief’s tail feathers must mean all is well again

Business as usual in turkey world, except Big Chief's face has gone from blue to red

Business as usual in turkey world, except Big Chief’s face has gone from blue to red

Big Chief can go from this...

Big Chief can go from this…

... to this in an instant.

… to this in an instant.

Big Chief takes one last look around as the turkeys head off

Big Chief takes one last look around as the turkeys head off

Oh, and I saw a deer today!

Oh, and I saw a deer today!

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